Ghost Story | Teen Ink

Ghost Story

January 26, 2017
By Anonymous

BEEP BEEP!!!!!! I waved bye to my parents as I sprinted towards the bright white door at the entrance to my upper middle class home. Ben was here to pick me up because we were going out to the local coffee shop to do homework. We do this almost every night because I just hate being in my house and now that Ben has a car, I don't have to ask my parents to constantly drive me.
  "Hey Ben!" I said as I opened the car door to his used 2003 Toyota Camry. The car was old and had a ton of miles on it. He said hey back as I sat down and closed the door. Then we were off.
  The car ride was just like our usual ones. We talked about girls, avengers, and before I knew it, we were at the coffee shop. The shop is called Starbucks. It's this huge chain that spans all over the country. It is so good! We always get coffee and a donut, it's our thing.
  As soon as we got there, I ran and got a seat at our table. It was a tall table right next to an outlet. We always made sure to get a big table so we could spread our homework out along it. We got our usual orders and sat down. I began to do my homework, and I had a lot that evening. I had three different History assignments, 30 math problems, and I have to plan programs for my extra-curricular activities. My busy schedule never ends.
  2 hours later, it was late at night and I was almost done with my homework. My math homework was taking me forever because the textbook directions were so vague. Ben was finished and he wanted to leave. I didn't really care because I could just finish the rest at home. We packed our bags, left the coffee shop, and were off to drop me off at home. Right before we were about to turn onto my street, he kept going. As if he ignored my street. I didn't say anything because he's been to my house so many times.
  Three blocks later, I mentioned something to him and he responded with, "Don't worry. I know where we're going. I just thought we'd try something a little different tonight." Stupidly, I listened to him and just continued to look straight into the never ending pit of darkness that this street seemed to be heading towards.
  Time kept on ticking and Ben kept on driving. As soon as the service on my phone began to go away I questioned him. I needed to know where we were going. He answered, "Have you ever heard of the Abraham Orphanage? EXACTLY! It was only existent way before our time. The orphanage was a place where kids without families would go and beg and plea for a life in the real world. One day, the lady who ran the place, Michelle Abraham decided to murder every kid that entered the house, to put them out of their misery. And then she took the kids, threw them out the window and into a pit where she buried them. One day, she got lonely. She was so lonely, that one day the mailman found her hanging by a rope in her doorway. Legend has it that now, she lives in the house, with her kids, cursing everyone who dares enter the house. And we’re going to be taking a little field trip today Evan."
"BEN! YOU'RE CRAZY!!!!! I HAVE HOMEWORK TO DO AND YOU'RE BRINGING ME THERE!!! STOP THE CAR NOW!" Before I knew it, it was just too late. We had made it to the house. It was a 2 story home that was all rusted and covered in dirt and vines. The house looked so old and as if it has been vacant for years. Looking around the outside of the house from sitting in the car, it looked so surreal. It looked like it could be from a movie or something. "OH MY GOD WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?!" I screamed as I pointed to the second story window in the corner of the house. I saw a white thing fly by in the window. I just couldn't grow the courage to get up and go. It was too terrifying to leave the car.
Ben opened the door and got out.  I practically jumped out of my seat because every little sound startled me at this point. I grabbed his jacket and said, “What the hell are you doing? Are you nuts?”
  “There’s only one way to find out.” Regrettably, I unbuckled my seatbelt, grabbed the silver door handle, pulled it, and with every muscle in my body, I built up the courage and strength to get out of the car. I have never been more terrified in my life. In one hand was a knife that I always kept on my keychain in case of an emergency. In the other hand was a flashlight that Ben made me hold. Slowly walking behind Ben was my shaking body. I didn’t know if it was from the chills having a rollercoaster on my spine or from fear of losing my life. Most likely, it was from both but I just didn’t even care enough to figure it out.
We finally reached the porch. Each little step to get onto the porch made a creaking sound. The sound was so high pitched that it could be heard for miles. We slowly made it to the door where I shined the bulky flashlight on a wooden sign. It read, “Welcome to the Abraham House, where every orphan is welcome.”
  Just ignoring the suspicious sign, Ben pushed the door open making a huge noise that I'm pretty sure echoed throughout the entire house. I looked to my left to see a wooden swing moving back and forth as if someone was pushing it. I stopped for a second to feel no wind or little breeze coming. I pointed my flashlight towards it and nothing came of it, nothing was there.
  Ben began to tape what was going on. He took out his brand new camera and documented every single movement that was made. I took my first step onto the wooden floorboard praying that nothing was going to pop out at me. I was pointing the flashlight in every which way trying to cope a feel for what I was about to endeavor. To my right is what looked like a living area. Couches were covered with white sheets and the TV had two antique-looking antennas coming out of it. In the corner was a dusty, wooden wheelchair that looked like it was going to break at the second a person would sit down on it. To my left was a library filled with old-looking books and a dirty dining room. Not paying attention to what I was doing, I stepped in some gooey s***. Hesitantly, I lifted up my shoe to find that there was brown stuff on it. It looked like poop but I was praying it was mud. I regrettably I took a whiff. I didn't smell anything. On my finger, it felt rough, but it wasn't soft. I think it was mud, I hope it was mud.
  I kept on walking towards the staircase. It was all wooden and it was a spiral going onto the second floor. As I was about to take a step-BOOM! "HOLY S***!" I screamed. "What the hell was that?!" A door slammed shut.
  "Oops." Wow, that's all he could say, OOPS! I gave him a nasty look because I almost peed my pants from that. Any noise loud or small was scaring me at that point. I turned back around and began to make my way towards the staircase. I made Ben go first because my hands were shaking so much that I could break the railings by shaking them way too much.
Trailing slowly behind him, I creaked on each step, questioning every breath I was taking. Before I knew it, Ben wasn’t in front of me anymore. He was gone! Once I got to the top of the stairs, I was having a panic attack. Here I was standing in a house that’s supposed to be haunted, my best friend who forced me to be here has disappeared and I’m terrified for my life.
I could barely breathe. I then said to myself, I can do this. I can face this on my own. I know I can do this. I eventually grew the courage, turned around, and found Ben’s camera on the ground. Petrified, I carefully took one step closer to the camera. At a slow pace, I finally reached his camera. Cautiously picking it up, I played it back because I thought it would help me find Ben.
The camera began with us walking up the stairs. Then he decided it would be ok to run ahead of me. He got to the second story and it was pitch black. In the distant hallway, a light began to appear. It was silky-like and it looked like it had a face. It looked almost like a human. All of a sudden, the figure disappeared and all that was left were two small circles that looked like eyes. Suddenly, the camera dropped and I heard with a soft raspy-like tone, “Welcome to the Abraham House, where every orphan is welcome.” And Ben was gone.
Holy crap. It’s real. The orphan lady is real. Speechless and horrified. I began to record again as I walked down the dark hallway that the figure came out of. All throughout the hallway was pictures of people. Headshots almost. But the thing is, they were all kids. As I continued to pass the kid, they would go from alive to dead. Skeletons would take over the photograph.
I walked all the way down to the end of the hallway, where a dark wooden door was wide-open. As I took one step closer, I heard a voice-“EVAN!!!!!!!” Oh my gosh! It’s Ben! I knew at that moment that it was coming from the back room. I sprinted to it. I didn’t care if the so called ghost would stop me. I just wanted to get my friend and leave. When I got to the back door, it shut on me, and I couldn’t open it. It was locked. I kept on trying to turn the metal doorknob, but nothing was working. I just got tired of trying. I kicked the door with all my strength and it worked. The door slammed open. I then grabbed the camera, my flashlight and slowly entered.
I hesitantly looked around the room. There were pictures, a closet, a bed, and in the corner, something faint that I couldn’t work out. All I saw was a rocking chair and a pair of eyes staring at me. I was too scared to point my flashlight over at it. As soon as I did, BEN! He looked possessed. He had bags under his eyes, his arms were lying on the arm rests, and his feet stood planted on the ground. He wasn’t moving.
I began to make my way closer to him. With each step, a creak in the floor arose. Just as soon as I was about to touch his arm, a ghost grabbed me by the neck, lifted me up in the air and shouted into my face, “WELCOME TO THE ABRAHAM HOUSE, WHERE EVERY ORPHAN IS WELCOME!” And then it threw me onto the bed. I didn’t dare speak after that.
When I opened my eyes, I looked out at the window. BEN! Ben was being held out the window by the lady. He was just hanging there. “BEN!” I screamed. “NO! DON’T HURT HIM!”
“WELCOME TO THE ABRAHAM HOUSE, WHERE EVERY ORPHAN IS WELCOME!” And before I knew it, Ben was falling to the ground, to never make a sound ever again.

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