Murder Journal by Jessica Schleyer | Teen Ink

Murder Journal by Jessica Schleyer

January 25, 2017
By schleyj1998 BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
schleyj1998 BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
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April 15, 1946. This is going to be a little weird since I haven’t written in a good while, I’ve been quite busy with my family. My mother actually married a new man. They met at the shop when my mother was there. She dropped her basket of fruits and he showed up out of nowhere to help her. He’s very sweet and kind to her, me and my sister! However it’s strange that we don’t exactly know too much about his past, he always changed the topic to something different while fidgeting or getting uncomfortable. He possibly had a bad childhood and doesn’t want to relive it in his mind, I don’t blame him. What else has happened since the last time I wrote? Oh! My friend, Matilda, her brother’s wife had a baby, so now she’s an aunt! Guess we’re all getting luck in having new family members! -Kathleen
April 20, 1946. A few days have passed since the wedding, Arnold, my new father, has been such a helpful person around the house. Mother doesn’t have to lift up heavy wood or any other heavy things anymore since he’s here now. I’ve never seen my mother this happy in such a long time, she really deserves this happiness. She’s such a hardworking and strong woman who raises two kids without a husband, or I mean she did raise us without a husband! Hehe! I’m so glad my sister is getting along with him, I know she wasn’t too happy and a new man in the house since father’s death, but she has really grown to like him. We’re finally a big happy family again. In other news Matilda came over today to meet my new father, she seemed awkward around him but she’s usually awkward around people she just met so it’s not surprising. I wonder what the rest of our lives will be like with this amazing change. -Kathleen
April 22, 1946. Rosaline was in the pond today behind our home trying to catch frogs again, our mother was chasing her around the house trying to catch her and bring her in for a bath since she was covered in mud, that little girl is such a troublemaker, but that’s what makes her interesting and great. It was strange though I saw father in the shed, I didn’t get to see what he was doing but it was just weird to me. He could’ve been just getting his working tools ready. - Kathleen
April 24, 1946. I went into father’s shed to see what he had in there, I was just really curious. I found a bunch of knives and guns, I’ve never seen so many, apparently he must of heard me since he came in after me. He told me the knives and guns were for hunting deer and bears. When he was young he was taught how to hunt, he told me he knows how to kill whatever threatens him. Why does that scare me? -Kathleen
April 30, 1946. We had a family outing today with the town, there was a festival in our town today and we went out to go have fun. Rosaline ran off when we got there and mother chased after her since she said she could Rosaline to listen to her. Some time had passed and they still weren’t back, father told me to stay while he went to go find them. The three eventually came back and Rosaline was crying and trying to get away from father who had a gentle grip on her wrist,. And mother seemed to stay silent. I took Rosaline from father and she just...clung onto me and was so quiet and different after that, she even had a bruise on her neck, it wasn’t that noticeable but it was there. What did he do to her? -Kathleen
May, 2, 1946. Rosaline seems t0 be doing a little better since the incident at the festival. She’s even fine around father now since for a few days there she didn’t want to go near him at all. Well, in other news, Matilda’s little nephew came over to visit and played with Rosaline. They named him Jacob which fits him perfectly. We all had fun in the nearby park and even had a picnic and Matilda brought her adorable puppy Scruff, he was such a cutie! Matilda treats him like he’s her actual son which I find adorable honestly, my mother thought it was a bit strange to love an animal that much since it was just an animal, I don’t know why she would say something like that. -Kathleen
May 25, 1946. Sorry I haven’t written in such a while, we were on a family vacation to relieve some stress. However some strange things happened on the trip, most of it dealing with father. He was quiet all the way there, not saying a word, not even to mother, and she was trying to get answers from him but she got nothing from him. Once we were at the actual place he still didn’t say anything, he just seemed so distant and wanted nothing to do with this vacation. When he finally did speak he kept saying how he didn’t feel good and that we should go home right now and shouldn’t stay here. It was strange to see him look so on edge, it was freaky honestly. Mother seemed to try calm him down and talk to him, but he didn’t want to talk to her and basically pushed her away, I don’t understand what his problem is and why he’s being so cold to us, he even made mother cry. They were so happy before what is happening to them? After that he just kept his distance from mother, but he spoke with us and apologized for his behavior. Since we got back they still haven’t talked. We’re supposed to be a happy family, why isn’t that happening? -Kathleen
May 30, 1946. I can’t even begin to explain how messed up everything has become in this family. It started with father and mother having a fight. I brought Rosaline upstairs into my room since my father didn’t want us to hear them, all I know is that it didn’t end well. Once they stopped fighting mother went out on a walk to calm down, leaving father alone in the house with us. At this point I wanted to write about this, but for some reason my journal wasn’t where I last put it, later however I found it, it was weird, and a page was ripped out, but it was a blank page to my memory. Eventually mother came back and told us that father wasn’t well suddenly. He seems to be getting worse, I’m worried about him. -Kathleen
June 2, 1946. Father still isn’t doing well, he’s basically bedridden and is refusing to let mother near him, which of course is upsetting her. I don’t understand what happened, a little bit ago they were in love, now they just don’t get along. Mother says to not worry about father and that he’ll be better in no time. What was unsettling was she told me to stay away from father and keep Rosaline away from him too. I’m guessing she doesn’t want us getting what he has. -Kathleen
June 9, 1946. Please...if anyone is reading this, if you find this journal, then I am dead. Mother has killed father and is after me and my sister, Please, put my mother in jail...please…-Kathleen
June 9, 1946. Mother knows best.

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