Holiday Twist | Teen Ink

Holiday Twist

February 13, 2017
By Rise101 BRONZE, Richmond, Texas
Rise101 BRONZE, Richmond, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I saw him, he wasn't quite so mystical as they say the man in red. He  looked at me I, and  I stared at him I turned and walked out saying "cookies are on the table".  
the moment I crept around the corner , signifying I was going back to bed ,  I  hid myself.  I watched his jolly self fist on my hamade cookies , I saw everything my son asked for being put under the tree. A new red bike, hot wheels collectables , power rangers costume and even a star wars light saber . He chuckled his infamous  laugh which  signifies his  jolly self. He finished the milk and started towards the chimney ,  I said  stay awhile I would like to personally thank you...  he  in a cheerful voice said I must be going its my job no need to thank me. "Oh but there is need. Thank you for my awful childhood  or have you forgotten? He started tripping over himself. "Good milk isn't it??" I held him down  I shaved his beard,  took his coat and pants leaving him in his skives . When he attempted to get up I punched he fell I said remember me now? His mouth duct taped , I tock the poker and executed Mr. Santa Claws  with my boy sleeping up stairs.  I wrapped him up in wrapping paper , and threw him in a church dumpster as if he were   just wrapping paper. Merry Christmas - anonymous  

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