Sign or Die | Teen Ink

Sign or Die

February 17, 2017
By writerh BRONZE, New York, New York
writerh BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He woke up to the sun streaming in through the window. For a second, he thought he was free. He looked at the nightstand where the contract was sitting with a pen waiting for his signature. Panicking, he realized she was still on the couch staring at him, gun in hand. She held eye contact, not flinching even once.
His chances of escaping without signing the contract were slim, even though he could easily beat her up.
“Sign it. X is waiting for you.”
His heart leapt into his throat and he started drowning in waves of nausea.
Death awaits

The author's comments:

In my current module, we started our fiction unit by writing flash fiction. More specifically, 100 word stories. It is meant for the reader to imagine how the story ends. 

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