Creepy story. | Teen Ink

Creepy story.

April 17, 2017
By NastuaZhigaylo BRONZE, Moscow, Other
NastuaZhigaylo BRONZE, Moscow, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Me and my friend Nina decided to go to the carnival in honor of Halloween. We were 16 years old, and we hoped to have fun this weekend. Nina put on a white rabbit costume with overalls, plush paws and a large head-cap. I preferred to wear a blue dress and make a beautiful pattern with aqua-grime on my face. Last night I had troubling dreams, but I did not pay any attention to it, and went to have fun with Nina.
At 8 o'clock in the evening we arrived at the place. It was an open area near the forest, with shopping tents standing here and there. From everywhere there was a cheerful music and laughter. In the warm air there was a smell of candy floss and popcorn. The disguised people in all sorts of unusual outfits scurried around. Nina, making her way through the crowd, cheerfully dragged me forward, closer to the big stage, on which a band was performing. I admired the passers-by, amazed at the uniqueness of each outfit. The concert has already begun, and the mass of people, crowded around the stage,  moving to the beat of the music and sang along with the words of the popular song. Somewhere, salutes exploded, and all this merged into the cacophony of sounds.
It's getting dark. From the corner of my eye I noticed a figure standing by the forest. It seemed strange to me that this person didn't participate in the holiday, and I turned my head to better examine the unknown. For a second it seemed to me that he was looking at me, and I felt an irresistible desire to hide in the crowd.
"Hey, what are you thinking about?" - Nina called me, continuing to move in the dance. "There was someone there," I replied, but looking again towards the forest, saw no one. "Are you trying to scare me, right?" - Giggled Nina and pushed me into the thick of people. Having fallen, I quickly jumped to my feet, and saw how the rabbit disappearing in the crowd. I pushed forward, trying to catch up with Nina, but soon lost her sight. "Where did she go?" - I did not understand. My anxiety grew more and more, it seemed to me that Nina was somewhere nearby, but I kept on wandering around in circles, feeling tears welling in my eyes. I tried to call her, but she did not answer, apparently she just did not hear the call.
Twenty minutes later, I finally noticed her white ears in the crowd. I called her, but she somehow ran to the forest, as if calling me  to follow her. I ran after her, and soon she led me to some old barn in the forest. Nina waved to me with a plush paw, and pointing to the creek, ran into it. The moon was already shining in the sky, and the abandoned barn looked terrible. "Well, why should we go there?" I asked, but there was no answer.
"Nina" - I quietly called, carefully entering the barn. In the roof there was a crack through which passed the moonlight, falling on wooden boxes, lying near the wall. There was something behind the drawers, and I took a few steps forward to see it. Something dark was spreading on the floor, I leaned closer and saw someone's hand, on which was a tattoo with a butterfly. In horror, I stopped breathing. I recognized Nina's tattoo ...
Someone was standing behind me, and I felt his plush paw touch my neck. "If only we did not go to the carnival!"

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