Crime of a lifetime | Teen Ink

Crime of a lifetime

August 11, 2017
By Isabel_Peartree BRONZE, Canberra , Other
Isabel_Peartree BRONZE, Canberra , Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The books he would read to himself every night after he had cleaned the blood off his clothes calmed him. He had almost been caught this time when bashing the owner of the apartment building but he had made a quick exit through the fire escape. The building manager, Bob, had been locking up the office of the apartment block for the night but was struggling to get out his keys as he lent on his crutches. He didn’t see the eyes peering at him from behind the bags of trash that were leaning against the building. He heard a rustle. Thinking it was nothing more than a stray cat looking for food he ignored it. Before he could react or better yet try and stop the attack one of his crutches was grabbed from under his arm and swung at his head. He feel to the floor and made no move to stop the man beating him as he knew that there would be no way to fight the mystery man off. Blood splattered on the ground. From close by a scream was heard by the man beating Bob. Realising he had been seen the attacker made a quick move to vanish up the fire escape ladder. Now he sat in his own apartment reading. The insanity slowly fading away.The books he would read to himself every night after he had cleaned the blood off his clothes calmed him. He had almost been caught this time when bashing the owner of the apartment building but he had made a quick exit through the fire escape. The building manager, Bob, had been locking up the office of the apartment block for the night but was struggling to get out his keys as he lent on his crutches. He didn’t see the eyes peering at him from behind the bags of trash that were leaning against the building. He heard a rustle. Thinking it was nothing more than a stray cat looking for food he ignored it. Before he could react or better yet try and stop the attack one of his crutches was grabbed from under his arm and swung at his head. He feel to the floor and made no move to stop the man beating him as he knew that there would be no way to fight the mystery man off. Blood splattered on the ground. From close by a scream was heard by the man beating Bob. Realising he had been seen the attacker made a quick move to vanish up the fire escape ladder. Now he sat in his own apartment reading. The insanity slowly fading away.

The author's comments:

A short story I wrote about an anonymous man commiting a crime and dealing with the stress.

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