The walking stick to my death | Teen Ink

The walking stick to my death

September 26, 2017
By shamra BRONZE, Kandy, Other
shamra BRONZE, Kandy, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Throw me to the wolves and ill come back leading the pack

preclude from my mind since her death kept hindering me over and above. The sound of a walking stick.. The sound of my nightmares! I dont know how I got here. All I know is I ran and this is where I ended or maybe not yet. I walked as fast as I could across the narrow school corridor my pitiable ears pressured to block the dreadful rythm as I put my hands over my ears sheathing them.

     I felt a cold metal slashing my tan skinned neck. The thudding sound stopped and I wished the light had left my eyes sooner. I saw my father put an arm across my best friends shoulder and lead her away. With a knife in his hand and a walking stick in hers.

The author's comments:

im just another teen scribbling on the last page of her notebook.. and this article is I had written during a boring chemistry session

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