The Shadow in my House | Teen Ink

The Shadow in my House

October 3, 2017
By thalita BRONZE, Trinidad, Texas
thalita BRONZE, Trinidad, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I fell asleep watching horror movies. I was home alone. I had fallen asleep, but I woke because I was hungry. It was getting dark out. ?
I went to the kitchen and made myself a sandwich. As I was cleaning up the mess I made, I looked down to the counter. I felt a cold shiver run down my spine, my heart dropped to my stomach, and my blood ran cold through my veins. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a tall dark shadow. ?
I spun around and I saw the lifeless shadow creature: it was black and transparent. I only saw it for a few seconds. I was scared because I didn’t feel alone anymore, so I ran to my room and didn’t come out for hours.?
At last I had to go to the bathroom. I was still a little spooked about the dark shadow I’d seen, but I got over it and decided that I needed to go more than I was afraid. As I closed the door, I heard a little girl scream. I panicked! I didn’t know what to do! I was overwhelmed with confusion about the situation, and I ran back to my room to see if it was my tv but i saw it was off. didn’t know what to do. I checked the living room and i was horrified by what i saw. A tall dark shadow the same as before; it had dark holes where its eyes should have been, its mouth was sewed together and it was ‘bleeding’ , i think it was black blood, black and gross, I was frozen in fear it was so horrifying. I walked back slowly towards my room and and shut the door, I didn’t know what to do, why was it following me,why was it here what did it want from me...why me! I had fallen asleep i woke up tierd and annoyed the neI had left it on i was so scared ixt day everything was normal and basic. I told my grandmother she just said that if it ever happens again to say “azzerath metrion szinthus...

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