Sweet Dreams | Teen Ink

Sweet Dreams

March 6, 2018
By claire78010 BRONZE, Ridgway, Pennsylvania
claire78010 BRONZE, Ridgway, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My eyes shot open. I propped myself on my elbows. I lifted my head and looked at my surroundings. Where was I? There were trees everywhere and the air was slightly foggy. It appeared to be a forest. How did I get here? The last thing I remember is going to sleep and then a blank. Maybe I sleepwalked. I looked down at my clothing.  I was still wearing my pj’s.
I got up onto my feet. I had to find a way out of here. My gaze wandered the landscape. I couldn’t see very far, the fog was getting too heavy. I squinted my eyes in hopes of it helping my vision, but it was no use.
I ran my hand through my knotty hair. “I guess I have to go further into the dark, creepy forest. Nothing dangerous about that.” I mumbled sarcastically forcing my feet to move. “I’m the dumb girl in horror movies. That’s how i’ll be remembered.”
I passed tree by tree. Still no sign of life. I was searching for something… anything that would help me get home. My eyes landed on one of the trees. There was something written on it. I went closer, trying to get a good look at it. There was one word and it looked like someone carved it into the bark. “Warmer”, I whispered confused. Now i definitely think i’m in a horror movie. Might as well bring out the killer clown now. I ran my hands over the letters. My eyebrows furrowed. Maybe I was supposed to follow them. My eyes whipped from tree to tree looking for any other carved markings.
My feet moved before I could comprehend what I was doing. I neared another tree. This one said “You’re getting closer.” Closer to what? My death? That wouldn’t be surprising at this point. I continued to search for another.
“Almost there”. “Closer”. “You’re on fire.” I kept going. I just wanted to get out of here. I didn’t see where I was going anymore, I just needed to run.
“Oof!” I squealed sprawled out on the ground. My hand rubbing the bump on my head. What the heck was that? I looked up. It was a small stump and carved into the side was the words “You found me.” Behind the stump there was a small log cabin. It looked abandoned. My mind wandered to where the heck I was. This is getting stranger by the second.
I picked myself off of the forest floor and trekked forward toward the cabin. I reached the front and went to knock. Before my fist could make contact, the door squeaked ajar. I hesitated. I take a deep breath and push the door open.
The door slammed shut behind me. I jumped forward and looked at it with wide eyes.
“You’ve finally made it.”
I spun around coming face to face with a slightly older man. His dark black eyes piercing my face. His white hair was slicked back and styled to perfection. He was wearing a neat suit that looked brand new and expensive.
“I’ve been waiting for you.” He said advancing toward me.
My mouth was open in shock as I tried to back away, but he was too fast. He pinned me up against the wall his hand encircled my neck applying little to no pressure, but it still stung. He yanked a strand of my dark brown hair. “Yes, this will do nicely.”
I managed out a faint “what?” It felt like his eyes were breaking through my Light blue ones. “You’re look about the age of 17… and I do adore you eyes. Yes,” he drew out slowly, “this will work out better than I thought.”
Before I could react and grabbed my chin and forces my mouth open. I was terrified, my hands were shaking. Then his eyes did the scariest thing. They turned black. I tried to move, but it felt like some force was forcing me in place. I felt helpless.
Black smoke started to flow from the ceiling and head straight into my mouth. It didn’t hurt. I didn’t feel anything, but the next thing I know my vision goes dark. And before I was completely unconscious, I swear I heard him whisper “We’ll meet again Puella.”

My eyes flew open. I was screaming. My arms flew around by body reaching for comfort. I felt something soft. I looked down to see my purple comforter. My breathing started to calm down as I realized I was in my room. It must have been a nightmare. I wiped my forehead with the palm of my hand. I was sweating… a lot.
I put my feet on the floor and pulled myself to my feet. My vision was dizzy and I felt my head pounding. My feet moved toward the bathroom as my vision started to get clearer.
In the bathroom, I splashed cold water on my face. My hands were resting on the edge of the sink as I was trying to gain control of my breathing. I lifted my head and looked into the mirror.
“What the heck?” I screeched putting my hands to my face.
My eyes were black…

The author's comments:

I love reading anything fantasy, sci-fi, or supernatural. I love writing about what I love.

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