The dog | Teen Ink

The dog

March 2, 2018
By wyatt.c BRONZE, Council Bluffs, Iowa
wyatt.c BRONZE, Council Bluffs, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

-50? no owner, no house, no nothing. Just cold. The dog was stranded. The owner on the ground, dead. Frozen to death. Still the dog huddled up next to it for warmth. The dog could smell the urine and the other elements that have left the man's body in his death. Still the dog did not care. He wanted to live. The dog was smart enough to maneuver the man. It was to cold out to move and go back to the cabins. The dog needed to wait until it got warmer. The dog waiting and it got to around 30 below. Still very cold but feeling like heaven to the dog. After about another 6 to 7 hours of waiting the dog realized something. It's ears perked up, tail stopped wagging, even though he was very scared it was wagging, the dogs stomach gurgled. He looked at the man and his instincts took over, the fingers of the man were like a 5 star meal to the dog. The dog had some more energy now for the rest of the days to come that he might be out there. Now it's 15 below, the weather is getting better and now it feels like a day in palm beach to the dog. He starts his trek back to the cabins. As he is walking about two miles in he saw it. The great big fluffy juicy scrumptious perfect bunny for the dog to feast on. The dog stalked his prey before going in on the attack. As the dog launched after the bunny it sent him on a goose chase, the dog was getting irritated and starts growling and barking louder and faster, until he put his last sort of energy into his legs. The bunny, just about 3 feet in front of him the dog puts all of his strength and energy into the four muscled legs, he leaped forward and was able to get the bunny by it's throat, thrashing it around like a baby with a stuffed animal. The dog ate his other 5 star meal before his adventure again.

The dog sees the warmth of chimney smoke off of the cabins, the dog's ears perked up, his tail wagged and he barked with joy and excitement. He galloped to the warm houses and the smell of the food instead of death. The dog scratches at one of the cabin doors, but nothing. He goes to another one and also nothing. He goes to a third one, it had shining lights from the inside of the house. He also scratches at this one, they don't answer for a while, he finally lays back down on the front steps, as nighttime approaches, he sees flashlights and hears yelling. “There's the little damn rotten bastard.” said the villagers. The dog didn't know his certain danger, he ran up to them and they instantly grabbed him….

The author's comments:

my absolute favorite piece that I have ever written

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