Spooky Story | Teen Ink

Spooky Story

March 13, 2018
By Anonymous

I was getting ready for a jog outside, it was raining out but that didn’t stop me. As I was running for a midnight jog, down a trail in a dark valley, behind central park I thought something didn’t seem right. I have ran for 2 miles at this point and was starting to be comfortable running in the area so I put my earbuds in. I ran up too a sign saying 4 miles on a but also said “watch out this is danger” in red paint on a wooden sign. In my head I thought, it’s fine no one is out hear it’s only 9;00 o’clock at night “who would be up for a jog this late?” I said to myself. I started to run in that direction that the sign told me not too and went only in a little bit farther than I wanted to but was in the zone, so I needed to at least run a half mile in and turn around. As soon as I turned around, I heard a gunshot! I lowered my music volume, so I could hear if someone was behind or if it was the shooting range around the corner. I ran just a little faster just incase, since I started getting worried. I then saw a shadow which had the reflection on a tree behind me as I was running away from it. I said to myself “That’s just my shadow, no one is out here besides me.” but then again maybe it might be a stranger or murderer. I slowly started to slow my pace at running and saw that the shadow was moving faster and faster and I looked and saw that its a boy. At this point, my heart was beating really fast, since my breathing is so bad and now having to deal with someone might wanting to hurt me and shoot me.  I looked back a few seconds later, cause I didn’t want that boy to know that I’m looking back, since I’m terrified at this point. Then I heard a yell coming from behind me saying “ Slow down I won’t hurt you I promise” in a harsh violent voice. I picked up the pace and at this point, It’s 10:30 and its pitched black and I trip and stumble into the water surrounded by the city towers. I didn’t hear and gunshots or footprints stepping on any sticks or branches so I thought he was gone. I started slowly creeping out of the bush near the water I fell into and made a sprint for it since I needed my life.  I then heard another gunshot and flopped to the ground in pain. I didn’t think this was happening and happening to me. I was screaming in pain with blood dripping down my back and anger making my pain worse. I new who was trying to kill me, but will get away with it, since I’m not the only one who he has killed. Well the thought I had in my head when I fully bleed to death, laying on tree branches was “How am I supposed to leave my family behind and have them suffer from my death?”. I’m sorry mom I should have listened to you when you told me not to be out past 10:30. “My moms always right.” I said to myself.

The author's comments:

I run at night and my mom always tells me to not do that. I love running in the woods which is similar to the character in the story.

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