The lost girl | Teen Ink

The lost girl

May 11, 2018
By TanayaR BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
TanayaR BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was Sunday evening, 1995, Carrie and her father had been hunting for hours, they only had stopped one time, and that was to catch the bird that they had shot. Carrie liked hunting but she also really didn’t like hunting because everyone always made fun of her and everyone always picked on her hunting skills when they saw her shooting.
It was Monday Night her and her father had went hunting one more time that day, hours later carrie’s dad had been wondering off but when he only realized that Carrie has wandered off to, he could not find her, all he had seen was a little boy next to him that looked just like her, George was wondering if it was the little boy that had lived next door when the house had caught on fire. But he noticed that the boy wasn’t the old neighbor, it was Carrie’s little brother that was not born yet, he didn’t make it through the pregnancy.
That night Carrie had came back to the house crying, she had figured out that her dad  wasn’t even her dad, it was really her uncle, For fifteen years her family had been lying to her the whole time, her whole life just turned around in a blink of an eye, she had always thought that he was her father because everyone had been telling  her that lie.
That night Carrie had went into his room and woke him up and wanted to talk to him, she had asked him about the whole life changing moment, George had been explaining it, she really didn’t understand why they had been hiding this secret for fifteen years. George had also told her what had happened in the woods when she had wandered off, Carrie did not know that she had a little brother that was not born, she has always thought that she was the only child because she didn’t see no other kid round in her family or household. 
Carrie had been looking at pictures of her dad all night and then she had looked at her uncle, she said they had both look the same. George had said that they were identical twins , and that was the only reason that he had pretended to be her dad.
George knew that he could never have a kid, so what he did was take Carrie from both of her biological parents, and the parents just think that Carrie has ran away, George doesn't know that the cops had been looking for her since she was three. George really didn’t care if  Carrie was his biological kid or not, he just loved her so much that he had to take her from her real parents. 
It was Friday 1998, Carrie had just turned 17 , She had heard someone knocking at the door, it was the cops, The cops had told her that she had been kidnapped and that they were goimg to need her to pack all of her thngs and go with them, so they could take her to her real parents.
George had gotten home around 3:00 in the morning, he had noticed that Carrie wasn’t home, and her belongings were gone, He had went to her room and see if she was there, She wasn’t. George had went outside and walked through the woods, at 5 in the morning he had noticed that sirens were going off, The cops had been going to his house, He had rushed to the house to see if it was Carrie returning home, but there were there to arrest him for kidnapping her.

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