we all scream for ice cream | Teen Ink

we all scream for ice cream

June 10, 2018
By gballhero9 BRONZE, Plymouth, Massachusetts
gballhero9 BRONZE, Plymouth, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
that is not dead which can eternal lie and with strange eons even death may die. by H.P. Lovecraft

Ice cream, ice cream we all scream for ice cream. That was the song of my childhood me and my best friend Sam Jordan loved ice cream. My favorite was vanilla with sprinkles, his was just chocolate. There were many great ice cream truck drivers, but the best was Jack Manteel. He would always have a surprise for kids. He was so nice, we would immediately run out of our houses with money, just to see what he had in store. However I was very poor but he was always kind enough give me something for free and even though me and my family were poor all i needed was my friends and Mr Manteel. Until one day the worst thing happened to me, my dad had a transfer to Maine, far away from North Carolina. All my friends were there to say their goodbyes and to my surprise mr Manteel came and gave me a great big hug and said see you around kiddo and that was the last i saw of him. Its two thousand two and i am twenty five my name is sandy Pawla i have finally raised enough money to move back to North Carolina. As saying i would always see Mr Manteel at night while i was in bed i always thought he had drove his ice cream truck there but as i got older i realized it was all a dream or i had come up with an imaginary friend. But as i arrived at a cold dark worn down house that almost didn't recognize as my old home. I decided to drive away since i felt very uncomfortable there, i decided i would pay a visit to my old friend Sam Jordan he had began working at the local grocery store but then saw something very familiar it was the ice cream shop. It was a hot summer day so i thought a good ice cream would be good for me. As i walked up to the counter i realized there was no one there i rang the bell on the counter but no response then i heard a familiar voice as i turned around i saw an old grey already balding wearing an ice cream man uniform. You scared me i yelled. Well that’s rude said the man you wouldn’t forget an old friend would you kiddo. And once he called me kiddo i realized it was Mr Manteel, mr Manteel i shouted with joy. We sat down on a bench and talked as he told me about how much has changed since i left. About an hour later he looked at his watch and told me that he had to go, then as he got into his truck he started driving i saw a little boy in the middle of the street he was eating an ice cream. I smiled. But then i saw the ice cream truck that Mr Manteel was driving. But then i realized he was coming towards the boy he was going to hit him. I ran into the street and pushed the boy out of the way. But then he started to question me. What the heck lady you made me spill my ice cream. I then told him that i just saved him from getting hit by that truck. But then as i turned around there was nothing. He called me crazy and ran off. I was confused but also very mad at mr Manteel for not stopping but why didn’t he stop and what happened the truck. I have to get to a phone. Hello is this Jacky’s ice cream shop? Yes how may i help you. May i speak to Mr Jack Manteel. What? Ma’am what is your name? Sandy, Sandy Pawla. Look can i just talk to mr Manteel. Ms Pawla Jack Manteel committed suicide years ago. My blood ran cold once i heard that. No, no that’s impossible i saw him this morning. Then the lady hung up the phone. I was very scared and confused at this point. But i knew i had to get answers. (the next day) i went to the grocery store where Sam had been working, i began to think that the lady on the phone had been messing with me but i had to be sure. That’s when i saw him i barely recognized him and he notest me. I ran to him and gave him a hug. Sandy i didn’t recognize you. What have you been up to? Sam have you seen Mr Manteel lately? Your joking right? Have you seen him? Uh no, Sandy are you alright? What are you talking about? i asked. Sandy mr Manteel has been dead for fifteen years. No, no i saw him yesterday. Sandy get some help. And then he walked away. I was so confused i didn’t know if i imagined him but there had to be a logical explanation for everything. That night i got on my computer and searched where Mr Manteel lived. He lived on hamilton state st. when i went there i felt a pain in my stomach just by looking at it. It was a terrible looking place it looked it had been dilapidated for years. Broken windows, rotting wood and a horrible smell came from the old house i felt scared at what i’d find. What happened to you mr Manteel i thought. I didn’t want to go inside but i had to find out the truth. As i went inside the smell got worse and worse. The sealing was cracking the floorboards were creaking. I was so scared and so disgusted at what i saw. I went to the kitchen and as i looked around the fridge began to creak open as i walked up to i gathered all my courage and opened it. All of sudden dead rats spilled out of the disgusting fridge. That’s when i heard a strange noise coming from upstairs when looked down the rodents were gone. Am i losing my mind. I asked myself. I then went upstairs to investigate. As i got up the stairs a bat flew over my head. The first thing i saw was an old rotting room. And the noise it was coming from book sitting on a desk. The book it was his journal. I was terrified but i had to know. I gathered every bit of strength inside of me and i opened it and inside to book scared me. The words that repeated were ice cream, ice cream we all scream for ice cream it was on every page. Then i heard his voice. Hiya kiddo. Turned around and there he was. I looked down and in his hand was bloody hatchet. I muttered the words what do you want from me he could see the tears running down my cheeks. Whether humans can smell fear they can certainly hear it, he heard it in my voice. I began to back up and i could ever so slightly see a demonic grin come across his face. What are you doing? i asked. You left me. He said. I began to cry. And now your going to pay. He said. I managed to make a run for it i ran downstairs and hid in a closet. He shouted come out, come out wherever you are. Aw don’t you want an ice cream. He became furious as he sang ICE CREAM, ICE CREAM WE ALL SCREAM FOR ICE CREAM! I tried to hold back my tears then as he went into the kitchen i ran out the door and back to my car drove at full speed and in the rear view mirror i could see him shouting, COME BACK, COME BACK, COME BACK. i never went back to north carolina again. Ice cream, ice cream we all scream for ice cream that used to be the song of my childhood but now after that it’s the song of my nightmares. Every waking moment i hear his voice singing that song, i want to forget it but i can’t the damage is done.i don’t know if Mr Manteel was dead or alive but one thing is for sure i always am afraid that he is still there in that house waiting for me.

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