What People do not Understand About the Second Amendment | Teen Ink

What People do not Understand About the Second Amendment

July 13, 2018
By Lsell BRONZE, Woodstock, Alabama
Lsell BRONZE, Woodstock, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Peace is not the absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict peacefully." - Ronald Reagan

Most everyone knows that the second amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right of the people to bear arms. There is a second half of the amendment that most people could not tell you or know what it means. This second half of the amendment is what will always stop the banning of all guns.
The second amendment of the constitution reads as follows “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” This amendment gives the people two different rights, the right to a militia and the right to bear arms. What is a militia? The militia is us, the people. If you look back to the Revolutionary War, the British army was not fighting the United States army. There was no United States then. They were fighting a Militia made of residents of the colonies that later became the colonial army. Why would we need a Militia? Currently we have no need for a Militia, but it is the duty of the militia to rebel against the government if they ever become too powerful or tyrannical.
Now that we understand what the second amendment is and what it protects, we must look at why it can never be taken away. A big argument for those who oppose the second amendment is that it is outdated, and it doesn’t consider new gun technology. While it’s true that the founding fathers never could have predicted machine guns and assault rifles, the right to own a gun is even more important now than it was then for the same reason that they think it should be taken away. New gun technologies make criminals and thugs more dangerous than ever. So much so that we cannot rely on law enforcement alone to keep us safe. Also we have to back to the first right of the amendment, the militia. How could the people rebel against a tyrannical government if the government controls all the guns? Owning guns isn’t just for self-protection, it’s also to protect our freedom if the need arises. Which is why if the second amendment is ever taken out of the constitution, I believe will be the time that right is exercised and the people should rebel. Without guns, there is even more room for the government to become corrupt, and without guns there is nothing we the people could do to stop them.
Hopefully there was some light shed on this controversial topic. In my opinion guns will never be completely banned from the country without keeping the union together.

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