My dog | Teen Ink

My dog

January 19, 2022
By Anonymous

Animals-more specifically-dogs.  The same routine happens everyday. Put the car in park and open the door and grab my backpack out. Knowing that the second I open the house door there will be a small, white, fluffy dog running straight for your feet. He can’t stop himself fast enough that he slides and hits himself in the head on the wall. He turns around and before you know it he is on the other side of the house already. It is as if a person has just bought a new race car and they are testing it out by going round and round on the race track. 

Finally he calms down and can keep control of his body. He runs straight for the couch, jumps up and waits for me to come around to the other end of the couch to give him a hug. On the days where I just want to go straight to my room he is all of a sudden following me right up the stairs. It is like my shadow always following me around. The second I stop giving him attention all I hear is “woof, woof.” I eventually give in because he just gives me puppy eyes till I start petting him again. 

Although he sometimes gets annoyed when he is doing this, some days it really helps me. There are days that you feel like you're the happiest person in the world,  but there are also the days that you feel like you have no one at all. I know that he will be there for me no matter what mood I am in. It seems like sometimes he is the only one that can understand me even without having to explain myself. 

I always wonder to myself, what did we do to deserve such amazing animals. They don’t care if you're rich or if you're poor. They don’t care what you look like or who you are as a person. Love. Attention. Toys. All they want from us humans, then they will be there for you no matter what. 

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