Sometimes | Teen Ink


June 15, 2012
By Anonymous

There are times where you just have to stop and think about what you are doing. Then there are times when you realize exactly what is going on, and what may happen. Whether it be good or bad. Sometimes you don't even know why you are doing what you do, you just go along with it to look cool to your friends. I recently realized that if I get get out there and do something, it may turn out to be good, really good actually. I also realized that you should do what you like; and just because someone makes fun of you, doesn't mean you should stop doing what you love to do. It's like me and my family, whenever I get up the courage to do something, they shoot me down, and make fun of me. But that doesn't always mean that I should give up. It just means that I should try even harder at what I like. Even though my parents or family don't think it's fun, i do, and I know that if I work hard enough, I can go places, big places. Knowing that, makes me so unbelievably happy.

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