Would you care? | Teen Ink

Would you care?

October 8, 2012
By Krysta17 BRONZE, Union Gap, Washington
Krysta17 BRONZE, Union Gap, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything will be okay in the end, if it's not okay then it isn't the end."

If I died tomorrow, would you even care? If you lost me forever, would you even pause? Do I even matter at all? Let me go and watch me fall to the end of all that matters. This voice inside me screams for strength. You've let go of who I seemed to be. The insecure, torn apart, broken down, real me is now showing and I have become a stranger to all who cared. I have become a distant no one. If we never talked again, would you care? If we never met again, would it matter? I never knew that life would be packed full of burning bridges, grudges, regrets. I never knew I could be this person. A person that is invisible to everyone but herself. I have been dropped and I can't get a grip on this reality. A blackened life is what mine has become. Filled with betrayal, lies and hurt. If I disappeared, would you look for me? If I was abandoned, would you take me in? I close my eyes and I know that as long as I sleep, this dark reality has gone away. This is a deep hole I'm living in and I can't seem to see the light of all that is great. I have become blind to the happiness I once knew so well..

The author's comments:
This piece is written out of pure feeling. It is meant to be a thought provoking piece that maybe some will relate to.

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