Looking Back | Teen Ink

Looking Back

October 10, 2012
By Krysta17 BRONZE, Union Gap, Washington
Krysta17 BRONZE, Union Gap, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything will be okay in the end, if it's not okay then it isn't the end."

Hard to believe that graduation is in a little less than 8 months. Looking back on the past years in school, there's a whole lot I would change and that's where I change things now. Remember elementary school, recess was the best part of the day, you stressed when you only got a minute or two on the swings, or you couldn't find your friends on the playground. Middle school, where everyone changed. You tried to fit in wherever you could and did whatever was "cool" within your "group". Picking what high school you'd go to based on where all your friends were going. Then high school hit. Freshman year, the beginning of what are supposed to be the greatest years. Scared to death to do anything, lost and wondering "how am I gonna survive this?". Sophomore year, getting closer to the end. For some, one of the hardest years. Still an underclassmen, still getting picked on by the Seniors. Sooner than you knew it, junior year was there. Time to start looking at colleges and figuring out your future. Still another year to go, but it all relies on now. So close to being out, yet so far away. Now look, its Senior Year. Graduation in less than 8 months. Everyone will go their own ways. Homecoming is close and we're all getting excited, senior homecoming, last chance to make this dance memorable. I may not have partied a lot, gone out all the time, or had the most amazing times like many of you, but every bit of the past 4 years has been memorable. And I can't say that I'm ready for whats next, but all I can do is take it as it comes and hope for the best because either way, in the end, everything will be exactly how it's supposed to be.

The author's comments:
Being the last year of high school, I've realized a lot about who I am and who I may become. It's all because of how I've lived during each year in school.

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