Determined | Teen Ink


March 7, 2014
By Anonymous

Hobby, a simple word, almost all of us have one, some have two,some people change their hobbies, while others have the same one for life. But for me it was different. I grew into my hobby, like a caterpillar grows into a majestic butterfly. It was somewhat expected of me. As a child i always loved to tinker with random toys and other things around the house. Whether it be LEGOs, or a bed frame. But as i got older i came to realize that if i wanted to turn my hobby into something more, a career choice, and that next step was what i found the most interesting, engines.

I grew into the hobby of building very easily. This was mostly because of my background. My family raced, not cars, not bikes, but boats. My family has been doing this far before my time. When I started there was a lot expected of me my father was a champion racer, my grandfather was a champion racer, so u could say I had as much pressure as a plane pilot in middle of a crises. But I still liked boats even it it was forced upon me. To me the boat was like a bird, free to do whatever he wanted and fly as high he wanted. It went as fast as a car but had as the thrill of a ceder point roller coaster. Boat racing came with friendship as well. Friendships that will last lifetimes. Most of All to me it was a passion. Like a professional ballroom dancer in the center spotlight on a desolate stage.

Boat racing was just the beginning that led into every 16 year old guys dream. His own vehicle. For years before I was obsessed with one car a jeep wrangler YJ. To me wrangler was what defined me it is who I am, I knew from day one that I wanted one but not just any it had to be special. And there was only one thing that I could do to "make it my own" and that was to build it. Everyone told me I couldn't do it everyone beat me down, told me it was a pipe dream. But I didn't care I told them I would do it and there was one thing that I would always remember threw it all. "Goals can be set as high as the sky it's determination that gets u to them"

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