Probably the Most Important Thing I've Ever Written | Teen Ink

Probably the Most Important Thing I've Ever Written

February 9, 2015
By Anonymous

Don’t you know? Carrie? Don’t you know that people love you? That you have friends who care and would miss you and grieve your absence? That you’re not the only one struggling? Facing hardships? That a great many people out there in the world have it worse off than you do or have been through worse? Don’t you know that (for the moment, at least) you’re in a secure environment and that the near future is pretty predictable? Don’t you know that you have so many options that so many others only dream of having? Don’t you know how ungrateful you are to ever let it even cross your mind to just toss all that away? Don’t you know that you have every reason in the world to be completely happy? That you have so much extra time on your hands, your homework should be no problem? Don’t you know what a waste it is to sit there and stare at walls while the hours tick by? Don’t you think the floor needs to be vacuumed? Don’t you think it’s about time to eat? To go to bed (you have to be up at 7 tomorrow morning- it’s already midnight)? To wash your clothes (your cat has made a nest out of the pile again)? To take a shower? Don’t you know that you have no reason to cry? To lie awake at night? Don’t you know that throwing your life away isn’t going to solve anything? What are you trying to prove? To whom? Why can’t you just be happy? Why can’t you just stop whining and get over yourself? Why won’t you stop with the egocentrism and focus on others’ feelings for a change? Why do you have to be so selfish? Don’t you know how much people care? People who don’t even know you? Don’t even try to talk to you or ask how you’re doing? Don’t you know, Carrie? Don’t you?

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