Designer Babies | Teen Ink

Designer Babies

May 26, 2015
By Anonymous

“You cannot buy happiness. Happiness is born.”-Unknown. Designer babies are the new and upcoming thing. Although they might seem cool there are many risks that go along with the procedure. Designer babies are made by scientists taking several embryos from the mother and choosing the best one to play with the genetics so that the child will come out just the way the parents want it. There should be no designer babies until we have figured out how it will affect everyone in our society.

One problem with designer babies is that the outcome is not guaranteed. This is a problem because the parents will end up not wanting their children. The outcome is not guaranteed for many reasons. First off this process is unfamiliar and hard, hence, leaving room for many possible mistakes. In doing this process people combine different types of genes to make certain outcomes. Many genes have more than one outcome. If the child does not come out as planned the parents are more likely to abandon their child. Along with the different genes, the scientist must have multiple embryos and they choose the best one, and destroy the other ones, so they are basically destroying potential human life. There should be no designer babies because we know that is a very difficult process that we do not fully understand, so the outcome of these children being perfect is not guaranteed. This will affect society because there will be more kids up for adoption, and neither of those things are good. 

Another problem with designer babies is that it will affect everyone in a negative way. First it will affect the parents of the child. If a parent does this to a child than they are saying that they are not going to love their natural baby. The child will have 3 parents. In order to do this process the scientist need 2 genes from 2 different moms and 1 gene from 1 dad. This means the child will have more than 2 parents. This could lead to the child being very stressed out because it would be like having divorced parents, in the sense that they would have to see all three parents, that most of the time do not live together. This process is also very expensive, hence, putting an even larger gap between the poor and rich. The parents should be saving that money for their children for when they get older for things such as college. The siblings of these children whose parents did not make them designer will feel less important. There should be no designer babies because it has a negative effect on everyone. This will affect society because it could lead to more overall stress. 

Designer babies are also downsizing the gene pool. This is because many parents want a child with perfect skin, to be the perfect height and weight and to have a perfect personality. In doing this many parents do not realize that they all want the same thing in their children so there will be less individuality. A gap will rise between the perfect and the non perfect. The perfect children will be excelling through grades and looks. Parents will also want their children to be immune to many common sicknesses so that they will not get sick. With this happening and everyone being immune to the common sickness, if a new sickness comes around then it will wipe out many people because their immune systems have not gotten strong enough from fighting off other diseases. There should be no designer babies because we are shrinking the gene pool. This will affect society because people will start to look more and more alike.   

Although this procedure is downsizing the gene pool many parents think that it is doing no harm. This is because by having this done it will lower the chances of the baby having a deadly disease. The child will be everything that the parents ever wanted. The parents will get to choose their child’s hair and eye color as well as their intelligence level and personality. Although this may be good for the parents it is not good for the gene pool as whole. Many parents do not realize that they want the same things for their child as other parents. They want their children to all be smart so that they can do good in life, but this will just make the less smart kids feel even less smart than they already do, putting a gap between the “perfect” and “non perfect” kids. Eventually people will all start to look alike and there will not be as much individuality from person to person. We will be less immune to new diseases.
There should be no designer babies until we have figured out how it will affect everyone in society. This is because the outcome for this operation is not guaranteed, we are downsizing the gene pool, and it affects everyone in a negative way. In order to help this situation we need to perfect this operation before we start messing around with human lives. We need to have scientists test this out on other animals, such as chimpanzees, because they are the most like us, and study how it affects their community. Doctors and scientists need to team up to work on designer babies with other species before they start doing it to people.     




Works Cited
"The 10 Smartest Animals.", 03 Aug. 2010. Web. 21 May 2015.
Agar, Nicholas. "Designer Babies: Ethical Considerations." Actionbioscience. American Institute of Biological Sciences, 2015. Web. 21 May 2015.
"The Collection of Human Genetic Information Poses Threats to Civil Liberties." Opposing View Points in Contex. Gale, 2014. Web. 21 May 2015.
"Pros and Cons of Designer Babies." Buzzle., 2015. Web. 21 May 2015.
Steere, Mike. "Designer Babies: Creating the Perfect Child." CNN. Cable News Network, 30 Oct. 2008. Web. 21 May 2015. I verified the facts.
Szewczyk, Warren. "Designer Babies, Designer Morality?" Disqus. The Student Life, 2011. Web. 21 May 2015.

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