Should teachers be allowed to carry guns in schools? | Teen Ink

Should teachers be allowed to carry guns in schools?

January 7, 2016
By Ashwath_K BRONZE, Livonia, Michigan
Ashwath_K BRONZE, Livonia, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

First of all, allowing for the authorization of guns can protect students.This point is effectively summarized by Hansen, a special needs teacher in Utah, “I want to protect my students. I’m going to stand in front of a bullet for any student that is my protection and so I want another option to defend us” (F is for Firearm 3). Most of the teachers love their students and will do anything to protect them. This is important because if a teacher is willing to risk his/her own live for his/her students, then why not arm him/her with a gun, so that they can protect their students. Hansen has also stated that every teacher should have a gun because, “We are the first line of defense. Someone is going to call the cops and they are going to be informed, but how long is it going to take for them to get to the school? And in that time how many students are going to be affected by the gunman roaming the halls” (F is for Firearm 3). Here Hansen stresses how important it is to protect students. Having guns is important for teachers because if a gunman does indeed invade a school, the teachers will have the ability to fend off the students and cause less death. Therefore, allowing teachers to have guns will increase the reputation a school has for being safe.
Next, allowing teachers to wield guns is agreeable to most of the teachers. Statistics taken by a CNN titled Ben Carson wants guns in class. Do teachers agree? have shown that over 400 teachers agree with this by signing up for free gun training courses. In this way, teachers already have started to take actions in hopes of preventing further shootings in school. The importance of teachers signing up shows that teachers wish to protect their students. Along with that, in the year 2015, gun stocks surged 70% according to a study done by CNN Money. The gun stock surges came after the Umpqua Community College Shooting and among the people who purchased guns, some were teachers. This evidently shows that teachers have realized if a school shooter were to invade the school, then the teachers could effectively eliminate the threat. The importance of this is that teachers wish to keep their schools safe. And by doing this, teachers can act like the lesser police of the schools.
Lastly, those who are in strong disagreement with me may say that having guns in schools could undermine the reputation the school has for being a safe place. However, my opponents fail to realize that the schools could be much safer with the arming of teachers because if any threat were to happen, the teachers and the other staff members could act like the lesser police and neutralize the threat. Furthermore, in an article on CNN titled Teachers with guns, it has stated that allowing teachers to stow away guns provide more of a safety. This shows that in light of the recent school shootings, having guns authorized in schools can indeed make it a better place. The importance of this is that it shines light on the common misconception that guns in schools make it a lot less safer.
To sum it all up,  allowing for the arming of teachers can not only protect the students and emphasize a safer environment but can also be a much better alternative than the currently debated gun control laws.

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