An Open Letter to Girls Everywhere | Teen Ink

An Open Letter to Girls Everywhere

May 24, 2018
By JuliaH14 BRONZE, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
JuliaH14 BRONZE, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
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Dear wonder women of the world,

You are amazing! Don’t let anyone tell you different. Even though, I know that you don’t always feel confident in your own skin. I know there are days where you wish you were the girl in the spectacular Instagram picture. She doesn’t look like she always has people whispering and snickering behind her back, because she is perfect. But, even she has secrets, she has nights where she cries herself to sleep, when she feels like her world is collapsing into one giant ball of nothing. But she can’t let it show she has to suck it up and be strong. Because, that is what her parents taught her, don’t let it show. You are strong too. Even though I know there are days when you wish you could just lay in the cocoon of your blankets and bed. Just know that it is okay to cry. Sometimes that is just what you need. You need to feel the cool tears raining like pouring rain on your face. I find that I feel better after I have cried. It’s like the tears are all your troubles and emotions that flow out of your body and mind, with every new tissue. That won’t last forever, I promise. With your strength and perseverance, you will go far. The only thing that can get in your way is yourself.

If you hate this letter and don’t even know what kind of crappy writer wrote this and think it’s just a mumble of words that will never help. That the writer doesn’t understand, that no one understands. You are wrong.  But I want you to take away at least this much, be confident in yourself and trust yourself, when you think you’re not good enough, or when you’re scared to just go for it.

I know that girls all around the world wake up at the crack of dawn to get to school at 7. They have to get up early to cake their faces in makeup, until it seems they are more makeup than face, put their hair up just right, find the perfect outfit that is both trendy and uncomfortable. They do this just to make people happy. Then when their transformation is complete they look at the final product in the mirror. They stare and stare. But they are almost unrecognizable. They can’t even see their own face under the mask of makeup. They know that they are no longer themselves. But they can’t stand out at school, they must look like everyone else. A tear swells in their eye as they continue to stare. Society has tattooed the same repetitive question in their brain since they were 10, “why am I not good enough?” The image looking back at them is covered with labels head to toe. The labels read, too fat, too thin, and too ugly. Everyone is good enough. As humans we have to learn to love ourselves. Love every inch of our bodies, because everyone is beautiful. I’m not just saying that as a cheesy inspiring quote or anything, I mean it. Loving yourself is important, but society tells girls that they need a boy to love them, they need to look a certain way, and act a certain way in public. Society shames everyone that doesn’t fall under that umbrella. People make it seem like a crime for loving yourself.

Another word of advice, don’t try too hard. I have noticed that young girls and even older women try way too hard to impress a certain person. Honestly, the most common person is a boy. Girls think that they must impress a boy by dressing up all nice and fancy. In no world, in no country, in no state should a boy think that they are more than a girl. A girl should never feel less than equal to a boy. Even when history has told women they are living in a man’s world. Which is completely, utterly untrue! Don’t think that boys own you! Don’t put your life in jeopardy because you feel that you need a guy! A boy should not like you for something you’re not, something you pretend to be. A boy should like you in your best and worst moments. Like you for what you truly are.

I want every girl in the entire world to know this. Don’t be scared to tell your best friend, a sister, a mother, or even a future daughter, that they are loved and appreciated. Sometimes people forget about the people around them, the people that really matter. Sometimes we are too busy trying to impress a boy, that will later on stab us in the heart breaking it in two. You get close to them just for them to walk out on you, like everyone before them. You give your all while they only give half. Hint hint, people that are always leaving were never meant to stay. But you met those people for a reason. Even if they hurt you they taught you how to stand back up. The truth is they don’t deserve you. Listen to your loved ones, they will always be behind you. Make sure to keep your friends close. A true friend will not leave you stranded all by yourself, I promise. Whenever you feel your knees giving out, of your heart breaking they are the people that will hold you up until you cross the finish line. They will bandage your heart until it doesn’t hurt and the pain is gone. They are the people that will always be proud and love you.

I know that sometimes you feel like you are walking aimlessly in a circle. Walking through a maze blindfolded, you are lost. Lost in a crazy thing called life. Life has its ups and downs like every human knows. Don’t expect to deserve anything. Nothing in this world is ever given to you. You have to work for it. So, put on your big girl pants and just do it. Be an independent, sophisticated, respected girl, that doesn’t take crap from anyone.  Be the girl that your future daughter will idol, along with the young girls of the world. Be the girl that makes a difference. But no matter how hard you work don’t forget to pamper yourself once in a while. Don’t forget that your life is a gift. So, live your life to the fullest, and don’t let anyone in the Milky Way stop you! Most important don’t forget to smile. Be kind, brave, and confident.

Be yourself! That is the best lesson I can give you. Don’t be a person that you don’t like and don’t want to be. Ralph Marston once said, “Happiness is a choice, not a result. Nothing will make you happy until you choose to be happy. No person will make you happy unless you decide to be happy. Your happiness will not come to you. It can only come from you.” Those are words that I live by. I think they are wise words for anyone trying to find themselves. Happiness is the most important thing in life. If you are no living a happy, meaningful life, is it worth living? That is a question that only you can answer. So, do whatever makes you happy. Who cares what other people think of you as long as you like yourself as a person. Remember that whenever you feel alone in the world. That no one understands what you are going through that no one ever went through what you are going through. Keep your friends close and your heart strong and you will be just fine, I promise.


A fellow girl

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