That Girl | Teen Ink

That Girl

January 11, 2013
By Anonymous

That girl,
that one you called all those names,
she started to believe those things.

That girl,
who's lived her whole life,
just trying to be nice,
bu is shot down by the words of your lies.

That girl
who you followed home,
just to torment as if that's a right you own,
to keep on breaking her down.

That girl,
went through sixth grade,
surrounded by selfish insecure bullies,
who stained the fabric of her self-esteem.

The girl,
by ninth grade knew her place in the world,
she was the fat, whale, goody-two-shoes, Goodwill clothes girl,
or at least, that's what all their words taught her.

That girl,
dropped down twenty pounds,
a miracle - show choir - she had found,
but still she heard those voices of bullies within.

That girl,
would wonder her worth daily,
think of her ashamed,
she was of her body.

That girl,
thought things were done,
but as high school drug on,
more mean girls were spawn.

That girl,
heard harassing things,
they called hear lesbian,
and stalked using Facebook's IM.

That girl,
never knew why,
they wanted to make her cry,
were they really monsters inside?

That girl,
couldn't forget those formative words,
raging rampant in the recesses of her mind,
keeping captive her courageous spirit.

That girl,
went on a wickedly rough way,
her head holding her hostage with old memories,
as she was trying to break free.

That girl,
though threatened and tormented,
knew she could pull through,
and that was just what she would do.

That girl,
two years later isn't any thinner,
but,boy, does she love her curvature,
so bullies, bite your lips... she isn't letting you back in.

That girl,
confidently comes out of the closet,
not as lesbian but a demisexual bisexual,
she's not letting those mean girls win.

That girl,
will someday be a name on a shelf,
books and stories written to help,
those out there like her.

That girl,
was taught the effects of bullying,
and how words that seem to mean nothing,
can break someone down into NOTHING.

But, that girl,
was taught that she is strong,
that she can overcome,
the oppressors of her odyssey.

That girl...
is me.

The author's comments:
This is my story, feel free to feel whatever it brings in you.

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