Why Bully? | Teen Ink

Why Bully?

June 4, 2013
By aquamarine_05 BRONZE, WAtsonville, California
aquamarine_05 BRONZE, WAtsonville, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" Love the way you are, don't let anyone change you be yourself."

Why Bully?
“Here we go again”, I am getting sick and tired that everyone makes a foul out of me and my brother Pedro and Jesus. I ask myself why they are doing this “Just because Jesus doesn’t talk very well and has sort of a disability. Doesn’t make mean that they can say any s***. Every school week we walk to the metallic, goldish, bright bus stop. To reach to school where my brothers and I go. We sit together. I sometimes sit with Jesus he is kinder. Knowing what the world is going to offer him. I was in 5th ready to be in middle school. Pedro he rarely sits with him. He doesn’t want to be recognized as he the brother of the “retarded kid”. Jesus is a very special child for me. I would cry so much if anything happens to him I just see all the sings of the suicide. But thank God he was 5 years now. He doesn’t know what is. A blind and cruel death where the world will be shock.
“Why is your brother so stupid and retarded?” said David, the bully who lives near us on our street. He is the reason why my brother cries. Even though it true what they say “Words hurt than a punch”.
“Why don’t you just shut up and leave us alone” I said in front of his face as while he was leaving. I bellowed him in front of his face. My face was about to exploded of furious. He was walking away from us. He didn’t care of what I said. Leaving with that vile smile he had on his face. Anyways he also bullied him with words. I never thought that bully can be spread so fast like a disease.
Until one day a school day I was sent to the principal’s office along with Pedro, and the bullies. I felt like a black hole inside my chest that was born inside me. We discuss about the how we were feeling. I only remember that I cry .Not because I was one of the victims, but because justice had come to the situation.
“You two are suspend and will have to apologize to the student you have been bullied all the time” Ms. Miranda demanded. Making them apologizing for all the stress we have been throughout those days. Where I sitting across the bullies face to face. Outside the office I felt good. A feeling that I couldn’t forget.
“Now, who is losing? I am laughing that finally you to are about to be punish.
Right now I am just blurred with tears sitting here flashbacking at the unsatisfying moment. Telling it right now in this piece of pearl and brightness. The bullies are one of the reasons why there is a suicide rate. So how many deaths do we have to face in order to make a change? Let’s make a step. Make a difference where our brothers, sisters, relatives, and children be in a safe school and community.

The author's comments:
This based on a true story that really happen. I want to make a difference. For someone reading it and a make a change.

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