Brewers Anti-Bullying | Teen Ink

Brewers Anti-Bullying

March 24, 2015
By AYoung BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
AYoung BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When it comes to bullying at Amy school, I don’t see it being a big issue, because as a school we do many positive things to prevent bullying. I feel my school doesn't need to do much, I believe a lot has to do with the students themselves, just most tend to mind their own business. And for the minimal bullying that goes down is handled either a ticket or suspension and sometimes both.

From what I’ve been told from my step brother, and for actually going to Merton for a short time. He's gotten into fights almost everyday at Merton middle school and there is proof to that considering that he has come home with a few shinners, Merton did have a lot of bullying for the year I was there when I moved to Wisconsin.

For being the “new guy” for the short time I was there not much happened to me personally but I witnessed a lot of bullying and fights. Not gonna lie, I didn’t do or say much considering I was new there. Just trying to be me and minding my own.

I feel that my school has it down to almost nothing, the focus needs to be on middle schools. I went to three different middle schools, two in Ohio and finished off at Merton before high school. The environments are almost the same and the same kinds of kids, bullying went on in groups. Just a group guys picking on a few kids just for their entertainment. 

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