School vs. Bullying | Teen Ink

School vs. Bullying

March 25, 2015
By CherokeeYee BRONZE, Xxxxx, Wisconsin
CherokeeYee BRONZE, Xxxxx, Wisconsin
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There are numerous things in a school that can cause a kid to struggle.  But there is one thing that will really put someone in a comfortable spot, and ruin their day, or even in some cases, their lives.  This is an abundantly common thing that virtually all schools in the country, or even in the world may suffer from.  Bullying.  Bullying has been putting people down, hurting their feelings, embarrassing them in front of others, or even in worse, extreme cases, some people being bullied commit suicide.


But as for one Wisconsin high school, we have been doing everything we can to control bullying, and one day stop it. My high school reacts to any bullying situation the  moment they know about it.  Bullying awareness has become a major thing in my school.  The school went out and got whiteboards in almost every hall, all saying something encouraging, or what we can do to help others.

Not enough?  Here’s another way my school went out of their way to help others.  There was an app Yick Yack where people anonymously talk to one another, and this led to instant bullying issues.  Groups of people would go on there, and start insulting others.  Once the school found out about this, they took action and worked with the creators of it to completely make it unusable in the school.

That was a big step; but to follow up, the school started a week dedicated to bullying awareness.  We wore a different color every day, and talked about bullying and what can be done to stop it.  Also, my school went out to put encouraging sticky notes on each and every locker, each including a special message.  

The author's comments:

Was riding my tractor thinking about this piece and what came to me was that I should do this essay right on a few things our school does against bullying.

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