A Lack of True Environmental Consciousness | Teen Ink

A Lack of True Environmental Consciousness

July 22, 2024
By gyqhelena BRONZE, Duino, Other
gyqhelena BRONZE, Duino, Other
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Dear Governments, Educational Departments, and General Public,

It is imperative to implement bottom-up and top-down methods to raise our environmental consciousness worldwide; Environmental consciousness includes the perception of potential consequences of environmental degradation on ecosystems and human beings, which plays a decisive role in ensuring a sustainable future.

According to UNESCO, 45% national education documents studied made little reference to environmental themes. This year, I have proposed a Sustainable Policy Handbook for schools as my MYP Personal Project, and noticed that over 20% people on Earth have no opinion on climate change (The Lloyd’s Register Foundation World Risk Roll), and nearly 40% have never even heard of the issue (Yale School of Environment). Obviously, a lack of environmental education is the culprit behind this phenomenon.

Insufficient coverage of environmental laws is another driving force behind the environmental ignorance. My internships in the Municipal Environmental Court over the past two years have made me realize how little awareness there is for environmental protection. One notable case was that of an elderly man accused of unlawful trading in wildlife, as he sold a thrush reared by his father at a very low price. The accused sold off this endangered species because he did not know how to look after the bird after his father passed away. Indeed, since 1972, over 65 countries have enshrined environmental protection in their constitutions, but inadequate legal literacy seems to only entrench the public’s apathy towards this issue (UNEP).

There is more behind the story. Twenty-three developed countries have been responsible for 50% carbon emissions over human history (The New York Times), so they have always taken on more of a burden in tackling environmental problems. However, a growing concern is that they are reducing their environment-related goals because of geopolitical and economic conflicts. Manfred Weber, the head of the European People's Party, rejected the 2035 Electric Vehicle mandate due to his geopolitical and economic concerns. Even worse is that the developing world still prioritizes its economy at the expense of the environment.

There is a growing consensus on the strong positive relationship between public engagement and the success of environmental movement. Governments should strengthen environmental publicity. A widespread failure to enforce environmental laws has delayed progress. Knowing what to do is just the first step - all nations need to take that knowledge and turn it into action. World leaders should use social media platforms for their countries to tackle the environmental issues around the globe. At the local level, educational departments should establish compulsory environmental curricula to drive the young generation to protect our planet responsibly.

A more sustainable future is only possible if every government, educational institute, and citizen can act more quickly.


Work Cited

The Lloyd’s Register Foundation World Risk Poll. “The Majority of People around the World Are Concerned about Climate Change.” The Lloyd’s Register Foundation World Risk Poll, Gallup , 16 Mar. 2023, wrp.lrfoundation.org.uk/2019-world-risk-poll/the-majority-of-people-around-the-world-are-concerned-about-climate-change/. Accessed 24 Apr. 2024.

Popovich, Nadja, and Brad Plumer. “Who Has the Most Historical Responsibility for Climate Change?” The New York Times, The New York Times, 12 Nov. 2021, www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/11/12/climate/cop26-emissions-compensation.html. Accessed 24 Apr. 2024.

UNEP. “Dramatic Growth in Laws to Protect Environment, but Widespread Failure to Enforce, Finds Report.” UN Environment, 24 Jan. 2019, www.unep.org/news-and-stories/press-release/dramatic-growth-laws-protect-environment-widespread-failure-enforce#:~:text=The%20report%20details%20the%20many%20developments%20in%20environmental,countries%20having%20enshrined%20environmental%20protection%20in%20their%20constitutions. Accessed 24 Apr. 2024.

UNESO. Learn for Our Planet: A Global Review of How Environmental Issues Are Integrated in Education. One Planet Network, 12 Feb. 2022, www.oneplanetnetwork.org/knowledge-centre/resources/learn-our-planet-global-review-how-environmental-issues-are-integrated. Accessed 24 Apr. 2024.

Yale School of the Environment. “Yale-Led Study Reveals What the World Thinks of Climate Change - and Why.” Yale School of the Environment , 27 July 2015, environment.yale.edu/news/article/yale-study-reveals-what-the-world-thinks-of-climate-chanage. Accessed 24 Apr. 2024.

The author's comments:

I am an environmentalist and a humanities lover. My past experiences of being the Beekeeping club and Environmental Science club founder have made me realize the severity and urgency of environmental issues in contemporary times, and I have been aware that a lack of environmental consciousness is in essence the primary culprit of environmental issues. Since then, I have attempted to establish the educational Sustainability Center in my school that intends to raise students' green awareness and guide their actions for a sustainable future. As someone who loves to read and write, I was deeply attracted by the opportunity of releasing my words on the Teen Ink website. It was so fascinating to read a wide range of articles with numerous topics and voices on the website. If I can get across my opinion on the website, more people can hear my voice. Without any hesitation, I decided to write an open letter, and I hope that it can call for instant actions on the issue of raising environmental consciousness from both individuals and organizations at state and local level.

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