Renewable Energy Solution to Save our Earth | Teen Ink

Renewable Energy Solution to Save our Earth

March 31, 2023
By MassabesicGolf57 BRONZE, Alfred, Maine
MassabesicGolf57 BRONZE, Alfred, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If I had all the money, power, and resources I needed to save our planet, I’d know how to do it. There are many ways to generate renewable energy, but that doesn’t mean all of them are good. Most types of renewable energy are loud, big, or ugly. Wind turbines don’t work in calm weather, can be seen for miles away, and are big and loud.  Geothermal energy causes some greenhouse gasses to be released, and geothermal plants are very large. Biomass energy also isn’t entirely clean and requires a lot of space to build a plant. Nuclear energy can be dangerous, they produce radioactive waste, and a lot of mining must take place to supply them with uranium. 

This leaves us with solar panels. Deforestation must take place to install a field of solar panels, and this releases a lot of carbon and destroys the habitats of many animals. There is another place where solar panels can be placed - roofs. There are billions of roofs across the world, and imagine if all of them were full of solar panels. Not every roof is a good fit for solar panels though - if the roof faces away from the sun, or is in a very cloudy/rainy region, it may not fit. All the buildings in very sunny places will be an extra good fit, and those panels will generate excess energy, which can be sent to buildings/places that need it. The panels can store unused energy, which can be used by buildings during the night or on cloudy/rainy days. There are no giant plants that still emit some greenhouse gases, there are no big, loud, turbines that can be seen miles away - just a set of quiet, sleek, solar panels on rooftops across the world. There are brushes that can get ice, snow, dust, dew, and more off of solar panels. Solar panels also last a long time - 25-30 years! 

With this method, all electricity would not cost anything, as it just comes from the sun. All of it would be 100% renewable and clean. As solar panel technology advances, new panels could replace older ones, and these new ones would generate even more energy than before. This method would ensure that the entire world has clean, renewable energy, and would save our planet from greenhouse gases.


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