Global Warming | Teen Ink

Global Warming

November 19, 2007
By Anonymous

I think that global warming is a very serious problem that the world has to get through together. It’s not something that one or two people can change. The world has to overcome it together, in agreement.

For example: How are we going to help the polar bear’s from drowning, because their ice is disappearing faster and faster every year. The only way we can save them is if the world understands that WERE the reason their dieing. That doesn’t mean we are going up to the artic and shooting them it means that because of our pollution the atmosphere is getting thicker and thicker every year and the rays from the sun are getting trapped in it causing the ice for the polar bears ice to melt. The artic ice has disappeared over 40% in 40 years. THAT’S WAY TOO FAST!!!

People need to look at the world they’re living in because it are fault that our world is slowly slipping away, and it’s our fault that these poor animals are suffering from it! We need to give the world a huge wake up call at the reality they’re living in.


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