Slaughterhouses | Teen Ink


February 16, 2015
By Jenna Koenen BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Jenna Koenen BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Slaughterhouses have been around for a long time. They bring us our meat that we eat. But we have to ask ourselves, are Slaughterhouses human? No! they are not. We also need to ask ourselves, are we killing them for food or for fun? Slaughterhouses kill innocent animals in very cruel ways. Even though Slaughterhouses are cruel they are needed for meat. Some people who work in slaughterhouses say they enjoy it. Slaughterhouses dismember/abuse their animals when they are alive, they shove them in places so they can barely move and they make them die slow painful deaths.

Animals are abused/dismembered while they are alive. According to an article on “” In the words of one slaughterhouse worker: "These hogs get up to the scalding tank, hit the water, and just start screaming and kicking. I'm not sure whether the hogs burn to death before drowning. The water is 140 degrees”. Imagine if you were an animal, how would you feel if you were thrown into scalding water? We don’t need to abuse animals! We can still have our bacon but is it really necessary to abuse the animals?. In the year 2001 the Washington Post published an article about slaughterhouses saying how the animals are dismember and abused alive. “Some would survive as far as the tail cutter, the belly ripper, the hide puller. They die, said Moreno, piece by piece.”

“” That quote sounds more like its from a horror movie than a slaughterhouse! Another quote from “” talks about abused animals. “Cows that are 'Downed' - a term used by cattle ranchers for cows that are so traumatised, exhausted or injured that they cannot stand, are often beaten to force them up again, and dragged to slaughter. This of course causes them even more pain”. Animals are also shoved in cages too small for them!

 “The beaks of these birds are removed because five to eight of them are crammed into 14 square inch cages, cages so small that the birds cannot even spread their wings” a quote from “” The animals are starved and abused when they are in these pens. This is just not human. We abuse the animals then shove them in cages with a bunch of others! Cows are shoved in crowded pens and barns, these cows often get hurt and/or get diseases and die. Pig’s tails are cut off without anesthesia because when the pigs are shoved together the pig’s bight each others tails. Because the animals are stressed, scared and hurt they sometimes eat each other because they are starving. “Downed animals are those that are so sick or injured that they cannot walk. They collapse in farms and stockyards and sometimes remain there for days. They are then usually dragged with chains and wenches or pushed with tractors or forklifts to the slaughterhouse or the "deadpile." from “” What if you were that animal! and if that isn’t bad enough they kill the animals when they are fully conscious.

Some people say that animals in slaughterhouses are stunned so therefore they don’t feel the pain when they are slaughtered, but that is wrong. The slaughterhouse workers are sometimes going too fast and they don’t stun the animals properly. says “It could be said that the ones that are stunned effectively are the lucky ones in the slaughterhouse, considering around 40% are not and feel every moment of the agonising torture”. Thats 40% of all the animals! thats a lot. Animals that are not stun are butchered alive and feel all of the pain. Imagine you are shoved in a cage with a bunch of other people just to be stunned wrong then hung by your feet while your throat gets slit and you bleed out. Its just sad, animals feel the pain.

 Animals are just like humans we all feel pain. Just like Paul Mccartney said “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.” We should make a change, animals are abused and killed horribly in slaughterhouses. Its time to ask ourselves, are we killing animals for food or are we just killing animals? Animals lives are worth more than $5.99 for a pound of meat. Whats an animals life worth to you?


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