Breathless | Teen Ink


December 11, 2012
By @OGchris_ SILVER, Phx, Arizona
@OGchris_ SILVER, Phx, Arizona
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Lord Please, Devor All My Enemies , That was Pac Talkin"

In “Breathless”, I can relate to Ally Piatt and her struggle with asthma as she plays sports. Asthma can slow you down and causes shortness in breath. No matter how much you try to build up stamina, asthma has a way of stopping a person for a breather. When I was in sports, I remember having to take short breaks to either catch my breath or take a puff of my inhaler; however, that does not stop me from playing. I pushed onward as Ally did and I did not use it as an excuse to stop or quit. After practices, I felt pumped and ready for the next game to come. I have learned to overcome the limitations placed on me by asthma just as Ally did.


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