Beauty and Hygiene Tips | Teen Ink

Beauty and Hygiene Tips

February 18, 2014
By Maya Brown BRONZE, Freeport, New York
Maya Brown BRONZE, Freeport, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you know Bethany Mota or any Tumblr girl? Don’t they have perfect skin? Well, all you have to do is take care of your face. Find a good cleanser to wash your face with. Every morning and night, spend four minutes massaging your face with it. Get around your nose and right up to the hairline of your forehead. Rinse your face with warm water, then with cold water to close your now-clean pores. Always moisturize after to keep your skin soft and smooth! Also, eating chocolate and drinking a little bit of water will cause pimples and zits to appear on your face. Try to shower every day. Don't just stand under the water! Lather your body with a body wash. Also, apply lotion right after you take a shower, because you do not want to be ashy. Brush your teeth. Brushing your teeth is important for good dental health. Skipping out on brushing could leave you with smelly breath, and maybe yellow teeth, and eventually lead to dental problems. Before brushing, you can rinse your mouth with cold water for about 1 minute, which will get all of the leftover bits of food out, to make brushing easier. Brush two times a day for two minutes each. And don't forget about the mouthwash and floss. You want your favorite accessory to be your pearly whites!Now for lip care! Do you have cracked chipped lips? Well, let’s fix that. To start with, you need to always apply a chalpstick or moisturizer to your lips, like EOS or Baby Lips or Vaseline. You also want to exfoliate them once a week, so get rid of all of the dead skin and dirt. You can simply buy an exfoliator for a few bucks or make your own, with sugar, honey and olive oil. These are some simple hygiene/ beauty tips just to make yourself a cleaner you.

The author's comments:
Bethany Mota inspired me to write this piece because she has perfect skin and I wanted my skin to look like hers. I hope people will use these tips for their hygiene.

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