Easy to be Hit by Ebola | Teen Ink

Easy to be Hit by Ebola

November 15, 2014
By Dhruv BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
Dhruv BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
War does not decide who is right but who is left...

Ebola- the devastation

Can a figment of creative imagination become a pragmatic reality...I thought Dan Brown Inferno was just a book that could never turn real in our lives but Ebola threatens to do just that.

CNN author, Elizabeth Cohen candidly brings out the fact that Ebola is a virus that mutates itself to become air borne and could mark the potential end of mankind. It is the single greatest concern that has rocked our cozy comfort homes in developed nations, imagine a single sneeze or a cough and you can be a deadly carrier.

The power, to put it simply is more devastating than a nuclear weapon capable of annihilating the human species. The numbers we read in papers are scary - barely within a month we are talking of 7100 cases and 3300 deaths indicating a low survival rate.

The metaphoric comparison of Ebola being like an accosted bullet does nothing to help, you know it is aimed towards us but we can do darn nothing about it. All human efforts have been futile against this menacing monster and I worry about the nefarious effects it may have on our lives.

Imagine every flight you take, every journey you make and every person you meet in our global world could be a swift surrender as Ebola doesn't follow any visa rules, it doesn't care for borders or boundaries, it simply spread solicitously.

We are pretending that just like other several diseases, this one also has hit the poor under developed nation of Africa, but hold your breath...it has arcanely entered America, stray cases are being reported every where and truly you and I can be probably just a sneeze away.

I personally feel the world needs to be united against this deadly virus. It has the potential to penetrate all four corners of the world so we better figure out how to corner it instead of playing a blame game between governments and medical facilities...we all have to question who is in charge and how can we help the innocent dying lives

The author's comments:

Death should be decided by God, not by a virus. Life should be decided by us, not by the forces of a virus...Ebola the beginning of an end

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