A Fuller Version of Myself | Teen Ink

A Fuller Version of Myself

October 3, 2018
By Irene-cobon BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Irene-cobon BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I agree with Claire in her article, "A fuller versionof Myself."In this article Claire talks about the way her anxiety takes over and all she cares about is being able to hold on to to being skinny. Many teenagers have to deal with these problems alone because of the lack of attention given to teens. When people see teens acting that way they think it's just them overreacting or "just being teenagers." When in reality it can be a medical condition they no longer can control and now needs proffesional help. Claire talks about her calling her dad and him not picking up "Hi dad it's me... I can't stop crying and can't catch my breath... call me back." She needed to talk and no one was there to listen. Parents over see things and don't pay attention until the point where the teenagers can no longer handle it. Teenagers need to be given attention  during hard changes in their lives. Parents shouldn't wait until their teens have completely lost themselves or have given up trying to give them the attention they needed. Paying close attention is always important. 

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