How Fair Are The SATs? | Teen Ink

How Fair Are The SATs?

November 4, 2018
By Anonymous

I can say that Veenila Jackson did a great job on her article about if the SAT is fair. She starts out strong by giving the audience a description of what the SAT gives students and then actually confirming what the test or subject is. Throughout the article, Veenila gives all the evidence to tell the audience why the SAT is not fair. For exampl,e in the second paragraph, Veenila says, "Statistics prove that there are large race gaps in SAT gaps. Blacks and Latinos tend to score lower than the average." Here she tells us that it's really not that fair for Blacks and Latinos and later in the paragraph, she also says, " Having more money means that you can afford better schools and expensive SAT prep class, study materials, and tutors.... The SAT makes it extremely difficult for a smart kid living in poverty to go to an Ivy League school because they can't afford test prep materials and classes." Veenila Jackson does a good job in expressing her point and it really gets the reader to fully understand why SAT is not fair for lots of people like blacks, latinos, and poor people.

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