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December 10, 2018
By Anonymous

  The memoir “Change” by Sophia Sagar is a heartfelt, meaningful piece that shows me there is still hope for the world. In the story, Sophia describes an encounter with a homeless woman in Best Buy. The woman is trying to get back to her family, and is just scraping by for the time being, but everyone she asks for help meets her with a volatile attitude. Sophia gives her all the money she has in her wallet and runs to her dad in order to buy a water bottle for the woman, but by the time she gets it, the woman is gone. She then reflects on how this experience changed her and how it made her a better person.

 As someone who sometimes struggles with seeing the light in this violent world, this piece brightened my day and let me know that although there is darkness, there will always be someone or something to shine through. We need more people like Sophia, who are willing to see the true struggle that someone is going through, and instead of immediately suspecting foul play, wanting to help them. Lines like “She seemed so alone. I begged my dad to keep going, but we didn’t see her. I cried. I was more at a loss than merely at a loss of change... “ show how much Sophia cared to see this one woman have what she needed to get back on her feet. If people didn’t judge based on looks or status, this world would be a much better place, and I’m grateful that Sophia was able to get to that conclusion through this experience.

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