Feedback on The Modern Zoo: Saving Species from Extinction | Teen Ink

Feedback on The Modern Zoo: Saving Species from Extinction

February 6, 2019
By 19_mahmo_m SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
19_mahmo_m SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the article “The Modern Zoo: Saving Species From Extinction,” written by Wilson Sherman in the January/February 2019 issue, Wilson discusses the benefits of modern zoos and aquariums. Wilson explains how in today’s world, issues such as climate change, habitat destruction, and increasing human population are wreaking havoc on nature and causing more and more species to rapidly go extinct. However, thanks to zoos and aquariums placing wildlife conservation at the forefront of their missions, animals previously at critical risk are slowly making a comeback. Wilson describes all the different ways these facilities contribute to the preservation effort, from holding captive breeding programs to donating millions of dollars to conservation projects. He also shares his own experiences volunteering at the Santa Barbara Zoo, where he was able to observe “the way that live animals can spark peoples’ curiosity and inspire them to love and protect nature.”

Being an avid nature-lover myself, I definitely enjoyed reading this article. Wilson’s use of wildlife facts and statistics combined with his personal conservation stories emphasize to the reader the importance of taking care of our wildlife spaces. What I found both particularly intriguing and pleasing was how Wilson acknowledged both sides of the zoo controversy. Wilson recognizes that the belief that zoos are money-hungry and exotic animal prisons isn’t unfounded. At the same time, he affirms that modern zoos, especially those accredited by the AZA, give their animals proper care and partake in wildlife conservation missions and programs. Wilson’s article has made me realize that regardless of which side you’re on, “Both groups are extremely motivated because they care so deeply about animals, their welfare, and their long-term survival on our planet.” I agree with Wilson that we should all concentrate on protecting the habitats and species that reside on our planet today and ensure they live long into the future.

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