Rolling on the River | Teen Ink

Rolling on the River

February 20, 2019
By Trever3575 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
Trever3575 BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Rolling on the River by Sabrina M. is super entertaining. It compares the sky to a flowing river in the sense of a relationship. She talks about how the sky flows like a river but does not run into a lake, “The river drifts all the way downstream and never ends…” She also talks about laying in the grass and looking at the river while holding her partners hand. I like how she talks about the river but also includes that it was romantic. She talks about how the time isn’t endless but infers that in a few months the couple won’t know each other. The refers to the night as the best stargazing experience she has ever had. A year later she looks back on this beautiful night and remembers letting go of his hand and touching shoulder to shoulder. 

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