Bird Box | Teen Ink

Bird Box

March 26, 2019
By KK BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
KK BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wholeheartedly agree with Mayson B. in the article "Bird Box" because it was "the most thrilling and suspenseful movie I've ever see." Just like Mayson I was reluctant to watch it at first, but after hearing about it from multiple family members, I decided to watch it. I was so focused on the movie I went into my room at a family gathering to finish watching it. I have to say, it was one of the best movie ever filmed. Not only was it well written, the cast (such as Sandra Bullock) was able to bring the words and images to life. The movie keeps Molorie (Sandra Bullock) and her two kids in temporary solutions; making the audience eagerer to see what will happen next. Just like Blanck I an left with the question "Does this mean there will be a Bird Box 2". I honestly hope so because I am ready to see what will happen next.

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