Remembering Newtown | Teen Ink

Remembering Newtown

March 8, 2013
By Cstudey SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
Cstudey SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Miranda points out a very significant part of schools', childrens', and parents' existance through "Remembering Newtown." I have always preffered no gun control and even after the Connecticut incident. However, I still felt the pain that had came from the inncident, and this same feeling cropped up again with Miranda's article. Her words reminded me of the sadness and grief that came with the death of the twenty children and six adults. My favorite part of her piece was her mant layers of figerative language. I appreciate Miranda for mentioning the cause, and now I may look at gun control a different way after her kind words.

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