Feedback on "Silent Speech" | Teen Ink

Feedback on "Silent Speech"

December 4, 2014
By Anonymous

     "Silent Speech" by Tennessee Hill is a beautiful piece that is not seen often enough. It conveys the power of unspoken words in a very touching way. It describes the relationship between two siblings, one of  which is deaf. He has no way to communicate with anyone but through sign language. Just because he cannot speak, however, it does not mean that his words are incapable of having the same effect as those who can speak them. It is because of this theme that it is so wonderful.

     The piece was one that was done in such a way that it can mean different things to different people, adding to the beauty of it. In the passage it says, "He hasn't heard a single thing, however, because my darling brother is deaf." This can mean to some people exactly what it seems, that he is deaf. Others can take it personally and make an analogy that some people cannot hear or see things because they are metaphorically blinded or deafened. They way the beginning correlates with the end is also exceptionally written, and again, means different things depending on the reader. The idea of the power of words that are never spoken is truly an exquisite one, but on that is often neglected in writing. Based on "Silent Speech" it is clear that more should be written about it. 

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