"The F-Word" Review | Teen Ink

"The F-Word" Review

February 13, 2015
By Shauna Stout BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
Shauna Stout BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In Jasmine H.'s "The F-Word", she talks about the true meaning of feminism and why gender equality is important for everybody.  This is the greatest summary of feminism I've ever read.  Someone unfamiliar with feminism could read it and understand to a very full extent what it means to be a feminist.  It was eloquently writen and proved points with actual instances, facts, and personal experience.  I definitely see people who sould read this article on a daily basis at Ayersville.  They believe that feminism is some sort of militant anti-male agenda adopted by radical women looking for an easy way out of life, when in reality, the men just want to keep the power they are used to.  I am sick and tired of people implying that I don't deserve equal rights.

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