Walk the Moon (Talking is Hard) | Teen Ink

Walk the Moon (Talking is Hard)

September 28, 2015
By famousafro BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
famousafro BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"your never wrong to do the right thing"

A big round of applause for Carmella Flynn for her review of "Walk the Moon" and their new album "Talking is Hard." It is nice to know that their are more people out their that like Indie Rock. "Then the robust chorus comes in and separates the vocals like an explosion of ecstasy consisting of fast guitar riffs and upload synthesizers"  This quote is one out of a thousand reasons why I like the band. Sadly, I haven't listened to their newest album, but that's why I thank Carmella. The way she describes the album as "will leave you with a good feeling" and "...songs will easlily get embedded in your memory" convinces me to listen to the album.  Thank you, Carmella for this review, and the new information from this band.  

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