The Power of the Teenage Girl | Teen Ink

The Power of the Teenage Girl

October 28, 2015
By Cat.Krystal.Clifford SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
Cat.Krystal.Clifford SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can relate to Dana Kaufhold in her article "The Power of the Teenage girl" because i am a teenage girl myself and what shes says by when we always get the bad rep. I agree when she says we always stand by each other because we need each other the most. We are also very caring and we do share nearly everything we have with each other. I like when she explains what people think a teenage girl is, like always taking selfies (which can be true at times), crying over One Direction, or the worst of all, dressing innappropriately. Thank you so much for this article Dana. It expresses the truth behind a teenage girl and what we do.

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