Peanut Butter or Jelly? | Teen Ink

Peanut Butter or Jelly?

January 27, 2016
By Cat.Krystal.Clifford SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
Cat.Krystal.Clifford SILVER, Phoenix, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In Courtney Kolberg's article, "Peanut Butter and Jelly?" I agree with her when she explains how fitting in at high school can be rough. She also tells the reader that we try to change who we are inside and out just to be in a popular crowd. I can relate with Courtney when she says, "Their (young adults) obsession with acceptance leads to the to suppress their true preferences and desires and comform to a trending norm," because I, too, have struggled to be someone im not just to feel like I belong in high school. When I was reading this article, she was explaing how she had to eat peanut butter, which she depises, just to feel like she fit in with with the popular clique. She wrote, " Like myself at 15, teenagers often feel lost and confused, and just want to fit in." and I, myself, have felt this way and also seen others struggle with it as well. 

When trying to fit in, it does become a difficult choice. Do I want to go against what I usually do or should I just stick with myself and feel like i dont belong here. It is very hard to decide and with most high schoolers, we choose to be someone we are not because we will feel like we are meant to be where we end up. But that's not the true. We belong to ourselves and should do what we want, not just fit in and do something we shouldn't. I have also seen how peer preasure affects teens too. "Drink this to be cool," or "Smoke this and you will fit in," normally make it hard for us to say no.

In conclusion, Courtney did an amazing job with this article, and I just want to say thank you for explaining to many others how hard it can be to make such tough decisions as a teenager who feels out of place. 

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