Waiting for the Bell | Teen Ink

Waiting for the Bell

September 19, 2016
By oscaahh28 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
oscaahh28 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   Once I read "Waiting for the Bell," by Soma Chu, I instantly knew what she was talking about becasue I can relate to it. There was a time in my life where I thought learning was fun and school made it even better because I got to see my friends, but now it is about calculating how much time I have until my next class, and when I get there, I will spend my time doing the same thing on calculating. 

   Soma expresses they way she feels when she is waiting in class anxiousky for the time. "My body is tense, clutched in the persistent and dreadful embrace of the desk and chair," Soma Chu writes on how she feels in class. She then describes the guilt she feels, knowing that people have died for the education and she does not embrace it, and knows how close she is to giving up. Knowing that someone out there feels the same way I do in school is a great feeling. Thank you Soma for your expressions and feelings for waiting for the bell.

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