Social Media Addiction | Teen Ink

Social Media Addiction

December 15, 2016
By tdawg1128 BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
tdawg1128 BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Social media addiction is a major issue in 2016. Many people have fallen into the trap of becoming addicted. There are multiple negative effects that can ruin some people’s life. It can become an unsafe environment for some due to cyberbullies.

  There are many reasons as to why so many people are addicted to programs such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube, etc.  Social media has grown significantly since the early 2000’s. When something is new, people almost always want to try it, and right now, social media is fairly new. People are also interested because they didn’t have it before “now”. If used responsibly, social media is a great and more efficient way of communicating than older ways such as letters or calling.

The generation with the worst addiction is the youths and adolescents.  Today, many young people are being sucked into their media and forgetting about life. “Life moves pretty fast and if you don’t stop and look around once and awhile you might miss it”, as stated by Ferris Bueller.  Nowadays, all youths are ever doing is something on their phone.  A reason they could be so addicted to media is because this is the modern way of communication. Also, they might participate in it because all of their friends do.   Some kids use social media as a weapon...cyberbullying. Cyberbullying can lead to depression or worse, suicide. This is a big problem that needs a solution.

There are many negative affects related to social media addiction in youths and adults.  Some of them can include drug or alcohol usage, feeling lonely, depression, and becoming distracted. Cyberbullying may also cause some of these problems.  Many of these symptoms can lead to danger such as violence or cyberbullying another person. 39% of cyberbullies were cyberbullied before.  Sometimes, one of these negative affects can lead to others, causing a chain of events. 


In conclusion, social media addiction is a major issue in 2016 and has many negative affects. It can destroy or sadden the lives of many people causing these negative effects. It can interfere with children’s learning and become a major obstacle in many parent’s lives.

"How Using Social Media Affects Teenagers." Childmind. Rachel Ehmke, 2016. Web. 29 Nov. 2016.

Walker, Leslie. "What Is Social Networking Addiction." Life Wire. Leslie Walker, 27 Sept. 2016. Web. 5 Dec. 2016.

Thibeaul, Jason. "How Real a Risk Is Social Media Addiction?" CBS News. Jason Thibeaul, 2014. Web. 5 Dec. 2016.

"Social Media Addiction." Huffington Post. N.p., 13 Sept. 2016. Web. 6 Dec. 2016.

The author's comments:

I had to complete this for my English class and I thought it was a decent essay so I decided to enter it in this contest.

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