My Friend | Teen Ink

My Friend

January 19, 2017
By mariah.m BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
mariah.m BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 I can relate to Tattianna in her poem, I had a simliar friend that was feeling down, but wouldn't say anything about her feelings. Things were not going their way or they had some problems that they couldn't deal with. But like tattianna, I'm the one that pushed my friend up and made her think better about herself, by telling her how good she was and how things will change for the better. Also, I like to give confidence to my friend by making a difference with my friends by telling her how well she is doing and what a good person she is. Overall, I would like to thank Tattianna for reminding me that one small compliment can go a long way into reminding a person that they are beautiful just the way they.

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