"Writing an essay an hour before it's due" | Teen Ink

"Writing an essay an hour before it's due"

September 13, 2017
By Stirling BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Stirling BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     Dear Zoe Matthews, I read your article " Writing an essay an hour before it's due," and I must say, it was a very detailed and well though out article, but I must say that I disagree with you. One of those reasons why I disagree with you and your article is because when you procastonate (wait till the last second) on many projects, your mind starts to get lazy, the reason why is because the mind gets used to not doing the work for awhile, which then leads to another reason why I think it's a bad idea to wait until the last minute, because then, all of the sudden, your mind has to do all this work in a rush, which will lead to an unorganized mess of an essay. The reason why is because the mind gets so overwhlemed with the load of work it has to do. It's like having a cactus that survived in the green house that's hot for 5 years,then all of sudden have to survive in the winter, it can't, the cactus will get overwhelded, it maybe would've survived if it had to time to slowly adapt, the catus would definitly would have a much better chance if it got used to that climate slowly, that also works with the mind. The reason why many parents and teachers urge us to not wait until the end is because it could hurt how you learn the material too, Your teacher wanted to check on the others students work to make sure they're " ... on the right track " is because they want you to slowly understand the right way of doing things, just rushig things won't help you learn, what will happen is you'll get the assignment done, then after grading, you'll forget what it was about, when you work on things slowly at a time, you learn more and you retain mroe information, you think about it more, and if you just forget about it, it will hurt you later on because you may of needed that info in order to pass a test in college. Even though I disagree with you, I will say, thank Zoe for taking your time to write the article, it was a great article to read. 

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